Serazovaci algoritmy (Sorting)

  1. Vysvetleni a informace
  2. Bubbling: Bubble Sort
  3. Bubbling: Shaker Sort
  4. Bubbling: Quick Sort
  5. Selection: Select Sort
  6. Selection: Tournament Select Sort
  7. Insert-Top Sort
  8. Insert-Middle Sort
  9. Sorted-List-Merging-Top Sort
  10. Sorted-List-Merging-Top Bounds Sort
  11. Counting: Pigehole Sort
  12. Counting: RadixLSD Sort
  13. Heap Sort
  14. Shell Sort
  15. WebBrowser native sort
  16. Odkazy
        Sorting algorithm tester
        Sort pro wiki (Vlastni navrhy pro wiki) (JavaApplet) (Java sorting)


Bubbling: Bubble Sort

Hledam maximalni hodnotu, tak, ze postupne porovnavam a vymenuji s nasledujici. Totez opakuji pro dalsi hodnotu.

7_                       2_                 
  \7_                      \3_              
2_/  \7_                 3_/  \5_          
3____/  \7_              5____/  \6_        
5_______/  \7_           6_______/  \6_     
6__________/  \7_        0__________/  \6_  
0_____________/  \7_     1_____________/  \_6
1________________/  \_7  4________________/ 
4___________________/    -

7 2       2 2      2 2     2    0   0  0 0
2 73      3 33     3 33    30   21  11 1 1
3  75     5  55    5  50    31   22  2   2
5   76    6   60   0   51    33   3      3
6    70   0    61  1    54    4          4
0     71  1     64 4     5               5
1      74 4      6 -                     6
4       7 -        -                     7

var i, i_end, j, j_start, j_end;
j_start = start;
i_end   = end;
j_end   = end - start - 1;
i       = start + 1;
while (i<i_end)
	j = j_start;
	while (j<j_end)
		if (cmp(list[j], list[j+1]))
			swap(list, j, j+1);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 198
compares    ~ 523.776
cycles      ~ 784.338
moves       ~ 524.799
stability   = stable

Bubbling: Shaker Sort (Cocktail Shaker)

Hledam maximalni hodnotu, tak, ze postupne porovnavam a vymenuji s nasledujici. Totez opakuji pro dalsi hodnotu, ale hledam minimum a postupuji od konce. (oproti Bubble sort by se mel snizit pocet presunu hodnot)

7_                       2________________
  \2                     3_____________   \0*
2_/7-\3                  5__________   \0_/2
3____/7-\5               6_______   \0_/3
5_______/7-\6            0____   \0_/5
6__________/7-\0         1_   \0_/6
0_____________/7-\1        \1_/1
1________________/7-\_4  4_/4
4___________________/ 7* -

7 2       2      0                   0
2 73      3     02 2        1        1
3  75     5    03  33      12 2    2 2
5   76    6   05    55    13  33  33 3
6    70   0  06      61  15    54 4  4
0     71  1 11        64 4      5    5
1      74 4 4          6             6
4       7 -                          7

var i, i_start, i_end, swapped;
i_start = start;
i_end   = end - 1;
swapped = true;
while (swapped == true)
	swapped = false;
	for (i = i_start; i<i_end; i++)
		if (cmp(list[i], list[i+1]))
			swapped = swap(list, i, i+1);
	if (swapped == false) {break;}
	swapped = false;
	for (i = i_end; i >= i_start; i--)
		if (cmp(list[i], list[i+1]))
			swapped = swap(list, i, i+1);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 160
compares    ~ 399.048
cycles      ~ 784.338
moves       ~ 398.787
stability   = stable

Bubbling: Quick Sort

Zvolim si posledni hodnotu jako Pivot. Porovnam s nim vsechna ostatni ve skupine. Mensi dam pred nej, vetsi za nej. Pak si zvolim pivota ze skupine mensich cisel a porovnam je s nim. A pak pivota ve skupine vetsich cisel a porovnam je s nim. Opakuji.
Nevyhoda - DESC serazeny seznam (od nejvetsiho cisla po nejmensi) se serazuje stejne pomalu jako Bubble sort. To lze resit treba nahodnym vyberem pozice Pivota nebo porovnat sousedni hodnoty a zjistit, kolik je serazenych ASC, DESC (nebo ted experimentuji se serazeni seznamu po dvou prvcich pred spustenim Quick sortu).

                lo<4<hi        Lo<1<Hi   LO<3<HI
7_              lo 2_          Lo 0                 0
2 |_               3 |_           -                 1
3 | |_             0 | |_      Hi 2_     LO 2       2
5 | | |_           1_|_|_|        3_|       -       3
6 | | | |_         -                                4
0 | | | | |_    hi 7_______    lO 5                 5
1 | | | | | |_     5       |_     -                 6
4_|_|_|_|_|_|_|    6_______|_| hI 7                 7

7 7       2 2   0      - 0
2  2      3  3 -1      - 1
3   3     0   0 2      2-2
5    5    1*111 3     *3 3
6     6   -              4
0      0  7      7  5    5
1       1 5      5 -6    6
4*4444444 6     *66 7    7

function BubblingQuickPart(list, low, high, cmp, swap)
	var pivot, i,j;
	pivot = list[high];
	i     = low;
	for (j = low; j < high; j++)
		if (cmp(pivot, list[j]))
			swap(list, i, j);
	swap(list, i, high);
	return i;
function BubblingQuickSort(list, start, end, cmp, swap)
	if (start < end)
		{ cyclesAdd();
		var index = BubblingQuickPart(list, start, end, cmp, swap);
		BubblingQuickSort(list, start, index-1, cmp, swap);
		BubblingQuickSort(list, index+1, end, cmp, swap);
	return list;

list = BubblingQuickSort(list, start, end-1, cmp, swap);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 15
compares    ~ 12.496
cycles      ~ 13.227
moves       ~ 19.692
stability   = no

Select: Select Sort (Swap sort)

Najdi pozici nejmensiho cisla a vymeni vymen cisla na teto a prvni pozici (pokud nejsou pozice stejne).

7 7      *0        -       -      -               0
2 22      2 2     *1       -      -               1
3  32     3 32     3 3    *2      -               2
5   52    5  52    5 53    5 5   *3               3
6    62   6   62   6  63   6 65   6 6  *4         4
0     00 *7    72  7   73  7  75  7 76  7 7 *5    5
1      10 1     11*2    22*3   33*5  55 5 55*7 7* 6
4       4 4      4 4     4 4    4 4   4*6  6 6 6* 7

var i, i_end, j, j_end, tmp_pos;
i_end = end - 1;
j_end = end;
i = start;
while (i<i_end)
	j = i + 1;
	tmp_pos = i;
	while (j<j_end)
		if (cmp(list[tmp_pos], list[j])) {tmp_pos = j;}
	swap(list, i, tmp_pos);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 104
compares    ~ 523.776
cycles      ~ 524.799
moves       ~   3.048
stability   = no

Select: Tournament Select Sort (Pyramid Sort)

Urcim nejmensi prvnich dvou, nejmensi druhych dvou. Porovnam obe nejmensi a urcim tim nejmensi ze ctyr. A totez udelam pro dalsi ctverici a zas porovnam jejich nejmensi. A urcim tak nejmensi z osmi... Az ziskam nejmensi z nejmensich. Pak ho vyradim z vyherni listiny a postoupi misto nej dalsi v jeho vetvi. A je pak nutno zjistit, ktere dalsi vetve to ovlivni a opet ziskam nejmensi. Ale, s kodem to neni tak jednoduche, kdyz si musime pamatovat, ktere je v kazde vetvi mensi (a dalsi komplikace nastava s lichym poctem polozek)

7_             __             __
  \2_            \__            \__             7_          7_          __
2_/  \         __/  \         __/  \              \           \           \
3_    2-       __    2-       __    2-       __    3-          5-          5-       7-
  \3_/  \        \__/  \        \__/  \        \3_/  \      5_/  \      __/  \        \
5_/      \     __/      \     __/      \     __/      \           \           \        \
          \_0            \_1            \_2            \_3         \_4         \_5      \_67
6_        /              /              /              /           /           /        /
  \0_    /        6_    /        6_    /        __    /     __    /           /        /
0_/  \  /           \  /           \  /           \  /        \  /           /        /
1_    0-       __    1-             4-             4-          4-          6-       6-
  \1_/           \1_/            4_/            __/         __/
4_/            __/

// build first pyramid of minimal values
function pyramid_part1_buildPyramid(list, i_start, i_end, size, cmp, swap)
	var i,j,k, k_end, lvl, lvlp1;
	var pyramid = [];
	i   = i_start;
	j   = i_start+1;
	k   = 0;
	lvl = 0;
	pyramid[lvl] = [];

	while (j<i_end)
		if (cmp(list[i], list[j]))
			{swap(list, i, j);}
		pyramid[lvl][k] = i; i+=2; j+=2; k++;
	if (i<i_end)	// pokud je size liche cislo, pak pridej posledni prvek a preswapuj to
			// (toho vyuziji pozdeji v part2)
		if (cmp(list[i-2], list[i]))
			tmp = list[i];
			list[i  ] = list[i-1];
			list[i-1] = list[i-2];
			list[i-2] = tmp; movesAdd(4);
			pyramid[lvl][k] = i;
		else {if (cmp(list[i-1], list[i]))
			tmp = list[i];
			list[i  ] = list[i-1];
			list[i-1] = tmp; movesAdd(3);

	i_end = k;
	lvlp1 = lvl + 1;
	while (i_end>1)
		pyramid[lvlp1] = [];
		k = 0;
		i = 0;
		j = 1;	// =i+1
		while (j<i_end)
			if (cmp(list[ pyramid[lvl][i] ], list[ pyramid[lvl][j] ]))
				{pyramid[lvlp1][k] = pyramid[lvl][j]; i+=2; j+=2; k++; continue;}
			else	{pyramid[lvlp1][k] = pyramid[lvl][i]; i+=2; j+=2; k++; continue;}
		if (i<i_end) {pyramid[lvlp1][k] = pyramid[lvl][i]; k++;}
		i_end = k;
	return [pyramid, lvl, pyramid[lvl][0], (size>>1)<<1 != size];
	// return pyramid, last lvl, last index, boolean for odd-size)

function pyramid_part3_rebuildPyramidEven(pyramid, lvl_end, bool, list, cmp, i_end, pos)
	var lvl, val2, empty = -1, a, b;
	val2 = pyramid[0][pos];
	for (lvl=0; lvl<lvl_end; lvl++)
		if ((pos & 0x01) == 0)
			if (pos==pyramid[lvl].length-1)
				pos = pos>>1;
				pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = val2; //val2 = val2;
			b = pyramid[lvl][pos+1];
			a = pyramid[lvl][pos];
			pos = pos>>1;
			if (b==empty)
				{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a; continue;}
			if (cmp(list[a], list[b]))
				{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
			pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a;
		else	{
			a = pyramid[lvl][pos-1];
			b = pyramid[lvl][pos];
			pos = pos>>1;
			if (a==empty)
				{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
			if (cmp(list[a], list[b]))
				{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
			pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a;
	return [pyramid, lvl_end, pyramid[lvl_end][0], bool];

// rebuild pyramid, rewrite branch by new value
function pyramid_part2_rebuildPyramid(pyramid, lvl_end, bool, list, cmp, i_end, i_endm3)
	var cycles = 0;
	var lvl, pos, val, val2, a, b, empty=-1;
	val = pyramid[lvl_end][0];
	pos = val>>1;			// pozice zleva
	if (bool==true && ((pos<<1)==i_endm3) && ((val & 0x01) == 0) )
	  // kdyz je size liche cislo a dojde k eliminaci n-2, tak posun posledni 2 cisla
		bool = false;
		list[val]   = list[val+1];
		list[val+1] = list[val+2]; movesAdd(2);
					// je sude, pak vymen za liche a prepocitej porovnani
					// (prepocitej vsechna nutna porovnani)
		pyramid[0][pos] = val;
		// pozn.: tento kod je prepsany na funkci, protoze by byl duplicitne
		  pyramid_part3_rebuildPyramidEven(pyramid, lvl_end, bool, list, cmp, i_end, pos);
	else {if ((val & 0x01) == 0)	// je sude, pak vymen za liche a prepocitej porovnani
		pyramid[0][pos] = val + 1;
		return pyramid_part3_rebuildPyramidEven(pyramid, lvl_end, bool, list, cmp, i_end, pos);
	else	{			// je liche, pak odstran a prepocitej porovnani
		val2 = empty;
		pyramid[0][pos] = val2;
		for (lvl=0; lvl<lvl_end; lvl++)
			if ((pos & 0x01) == 0)
				if (pos==pyramid[lvl].length-1)
					pos = pos>>1;
					pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = val2; //val2 = val2
				a = pyramid[lvl][pos];
				b = pyramid[lvl][pos+1];
				pos = pos>>1;
				if (a!==empty && b!==empty)
					if (cmp(list[a], list[b]))
						{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
					else	{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a; continue;}
				if (b!==empty)
					{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
				pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a;
				val2 = a;
			else	{
				a = pyramid[lvl][pos-1];
				b = pyramid[lvl][pos];
				pos = pos>>1;
				if (a!==empty && b!==empty)
					if (cmp(list[a], list[b]))
						{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b; val2 = b; continue;}
					else	{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a; continue;}
				if (a!==empty)
					{pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = a; val2 = a; continue;}
				pyramid[lvl+1][pos] = b;
				val2 = b;
	return [pyramid, lvl_end, pyramid[lvl_end][0], bool];

// princip: vyber minimum z kazdeho paru, pak porovnej minima, minima minim ... az ziskas nejmensi cislo
// pak vyrad nejmensi cislo z pyramidy a propocitej celou vetev, opet ziskej minimum
function PyramidSelectSort(list, start, end, cmp)
	var pyramid_data, i, x, y, endm3 = end-3, size = end - start;
	x = list;
	y = [];
	pyramid_data = pyramid_part1_buildPyramid(x, start, end, size, cmp, swap);
	  // create pyramid of index from minimal values of pair
	i = start;
	y[i] = x[pyramid_data[2]]; movesAdd(1);
	while (i<end)
		pyramid_data = pyramid_part2_rebuildPyramid(
			pyramid_data[0], pyramid_data[1], pyramid_data[3], x, cmp, end, endm3);
		y[i] = x[pyramid_data[2]]; movesAdd(1);
	return y;

list = PyramidSelectSort(list, start, end, cmp);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 15
compares    ~  8.933
cycles      ~ 11.262
moves       ~  1.732
stability   = stable

Insert-Top Sort

Vyberu hodnotu a vkladam ji do serazeneho pole ze shora (nebo ze spodu). Kdyz je pole serazene, tak se zastavim na prvni vyssi hodnote.

7\ 2_   2_    2_     2_      0_       0_         0
2/ 7_\  3_\   3_\    3 \     2_\      1_\        1
3     3 7_\\  5_\\   5  \    3 \\     2_\\       2
5           5 7_\\\  6   \   5  \\    3_\\\      3
6                  6 7    \  6   \\   5_\\\\     4
0                          0 7    \\  6 \\\\\    5
1                                   1 7  \\\\\   6
4                                             4  7

var i, i_end, j, j_end, j2, tmp;
i_end = end;
j_end = start;
i     = start + 1;
j     = start;
j2    = start + 1;
while (i<i_end)
	tmp = list[i]; movesAdd(1);
	while (j>=j_end && cmp(list[j], tmp))	// prohledavej od konce
		list[j2] = list[j];
		j--; movesAdd(1);
        list[j2] = tmp; movesAdd(1);
	j  = i;
	j2 = i;
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 89
compares    ~ 262.465
cycles      ~ 263.492
moves       ~ 262.469
stability   = stable

Insert-Middle Sort

Vyberu hodnotu a vkladam ji do serazeneho pole od stredu (poloviny delky serazene casti, do ktere patri). Kdyz je pole serazene, tak se zastavim kdyz hodnota nad je mensi nebo rovna a hodnota pod je vetsi.
Pozn. Muj js-kod pocita stred trochu odlisne (spis spodni hodnotu), je to pro zjednoduseni kodu.

7\ 2_   2    2     2_      0_        0
2/ 7_\  3_   3_    3 \     2_\_      1
3     3 7_\  5_\   5_ \    3_ \\     2
5          5 7_\\  6 \ \   5 \ \\    3_ 
6                6 7  \ \  6  \ \\   5_\__
0                  .     0 7   \ \\  6__\_\
1                  .               1 7   \\\
4                  .                        4
                   v 50% delky (23567) je hodnota 5, hodnota 0 je mensi nez 5
                   v 50% delky mensich hodnot nez 5 (23) je hodnota 2, 0 je mensi nez 2
		   (v pripade 50% ze dvou hodnot, porovnavam s horni hodnotou)

var i, i_end, left, right, mid, mid_sub;
i_end = end;
i     = start + 1;
while (i<i_end)
	// find position in sorted list
	left  = start - 1;
	right = i;
	mid_sub = right - left;
	while (true)
		mid = left + (mid_sub>>1);
		if (cmp(list[mid], list[i]))
			right   = mid;
			mid_sub = right - left;
			if (mid_sub<=1) {break;}
		else	{
			left    = mid;
			mid_sub = right - left;
			if (mid_sub<=1) {mid++; break;}
	// move from position old to new
	arrayShift(list, mid, i);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 47
compares    ~ 8.850
cycles      ~ 271.319
moves       ~ 261.446
stability   = stable

Sorted-List-Merging-Top Sort

Jedna se o spojovani serazenych seznamu porovnavanim hornich hodnot z obou seznamu. Na zacatku maji vsechny serazene seznamy delku 1.

  |  2 _
2_|  7  |_ _   2_ _ _
3_      | | |  3 | | |_         0
  |  3 _|_| |  5 | | | |_ _     1
5_|  5 _____|  7 | | | | | |_   2
6_               | | | | | | |  3
  |  0 _       0_| | | | | | |  4
0_|  6  |_ _   1___| | | | | |  5
1_      | | |  4_____|_|_| | |  6
  |  1 _|_| |  6___________|_|  7
4_|  4 _____|

function sortListMerge_m2_v2_Top(list, start, end, size, cmp)
	var step, step_double, tmp, a,b,c,  i,j,k,
	step_max = ((size + 1) >> 1) << 1,
	arr = [ list, [] ],
	m = 0,
	n = 1;
	for (step=1; step<step_max; step=step_double)	// bounds 1-1, 2-2, 4-4, 8-8...
		a = start;
		step_double = step<<1;
		while (a<end)
			b = a + step;
			c = a + step_double;
			b = b<end ? b : end;
			c = c<end ? c : end;
			arrayMerge(arr[m], a, b, b, c, arr[n], a, cmp);
			a = c;
		tmp = m; m = n; n = tmp;
	return arr[m];

list = sortListMerge_m2_v2_Top(list, start, end, size, cmp)
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 5
compares    ~  8.933
cycles      ~ 11.273
moves       ~ 10.240
stability   = stable

Sorted-List-Merging-Top Bounds Sort

Jedna se o spojovani serazenych seznamu porovnavanim hornich hodnot z obou seznamu. Na zacatku zjistim serazene seznamy porovnanim dvou sousednich hodnot.

7_               7_ _ _ _
2_|_               | | | |  2_ _ _ 
3___|_           2_| | | |  3 | | |_     0
5_____|_         3___| | |  5 | | | |_   1
6_______|_       5_____| |  6 | | | | |  2
0_________|_     6_______|  7 | | | | |  3
1___________|_                | | | | |  4
4_____________|  0          0_| | | | |  5
                 1          1___| | | |  6
                 4          4_____|_|_|  7

// pozn.: Mohl jsem pri prepisovani kodu udelat chyby.
function XsortListMerge_m2x_v1_Top_Bounds(list, start, end, size, cmp)
	var i, x, y, j, tmp, cp, desc, arr, b, bounds = [];
	desc = 0;
	b = 0;
	bounds[b++] = start;
	for (i=start+1; i<end; i++)
		cp = cmp(list[i-1], list[i]);
		if (cp>0)
			{bounds[b++] = i; desc++; continue;}
		if (cp>=0)
	bounds[b] = end;
	if (b==1)
		{return list;} // asc, a<=b<=c...
	if (b==size)
		{return sortOrderDesc(list, start, end, cmp);} // desc, a>b>c...
	if (desc==size)
		{return sortOrderDescStable(list, start, end, cmp);} // desc, a>=b>=c...
	arr = [ list, [] ];
	x = 0;
	y = 1;
	while (true)
		for (i=0; i<=b-2; i+=2)
			arrayMerge(arr[x], bounds[i], bounds[i+1], bounds[i+1], bounds[i+2],
				   arr[y], bounds[i], cmp);
		if (i<b)
			arrayCopy(arr[x], bounds[i], bounds[i+1], arr[y], bounds[i]);
		if (b<=2) {break;}
		b = b >> 1;
		for (i=0; i<=b; i++)
			bounds[i] = bounds[i<<1];
		bounds[b] = end;
		tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;
	return arr[x];

list = XsortListMerge_m2x_v1_Top_Bounds(list, start, end, size, cmp);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 40
compares    ~ 10.390
cycles      ~ 13.352
moves       ~ 11.264
stability   = stable

Counting: Pigehole Sort

Counting sorty ukladaji do pometi hodnotu + pocet stejnych hodnot. A pak je vypisi v poradi.
Vyhodne jsou pro hodnoty typu integer (4 bytes) nebo pro hodnoty, ktere dokazeme popsat zjednodusene. Cili, treba pro dlouhe textove hodnoty by bylo treba spoustu pameti a cyklu. Nejcastejsi rozdelovani je podle bitu, bytu, digitu (cifer)...
Pigehole Sort - pocita pocet stejnych hodnot

         7 2 3 5 6 0 1 4
7 min:0  . . . . . 0:1x.     0:1x  0
2 max:7  . . . . .   1:1x    1:1x  1
3        . 2:1x. .     .     2:1x  2
5        .   3:1x.     .     3:1x  3
6        .     . .     4:1x  4:1x  4
0        .     5:1x          5:1x  5
1        .       6:1x        6:1x  6
4        7:1x                7:1x  7
        3 2 3 3 1 0 1 1
3 min:0 . . . . . 0:1x.     0:1x  0
2 max:3 . . . . 1:1x. .     1:3x  1
3       . . . .     1:2x    2:1x  1
3       . . . .       1:3x  3:3x  1
1       . 2:1x.                   2
0       3:1x. .                   3
1           3:2x                  3
1             3:3x                3

var bucket, idx, i, b_start, b_end;
bucket  = [];
b_start = list[start];
b_end   = list[start]; movesAdd(2);
for (i=start; i<end; i++)
	if (typeof bucket[list[i]]!=='undefined') {bucket[list[i]]++;} else {bucket[list[i]] = 1;}
	if (cmp(b_start,list[i])) {b_start = list[i]; movesAdd(1);}	// min value
	if (cmp(list[i],b_end)) {b_end = list[i]; movesAdd(1);}		// max value
idx = 0;
for (i=b_start; i<=b_end; i++)
	if (typeof bucket[i]=='undefined')
	while (bucket[i]>0)
		list[idx++] = i; movesAdd(1);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 3
compares    ~ 2.048
cycles      ~ 2.560
moves       ~ 1.465
stability   = stable

Counting: RadixLSD Sort

Counting sorty ukladaji do pometi hodnotu + pocet stejnych hodnot. A pak je vypisi v poradi.
Vyhodne jsou pro hodnoty typu integer (4 bytes) nebo pro hodnoty, ktere dokazeme popsat zjednodusene. Cili, treba pro dlouhe textove hodnoty by bylo treba spoustu pameti a cyklu. Nejcastejsi rozdelovani je podle bitu, bytu, digitu (cifer)...
RadixLSD Sort - pocita pocet stejnych desitkovych cifer z hodnot

         7 2 3 5 6 0 1 4
7 min:0  . . . . . 0:1x.     0:1x  0
2 max:7  . . . . .   1:1x    1:1x  1
3        . 2:1x. .     .     2:1x  2
5        .   3:1x.     .     3:1x  3
6        .     . .     4:1x  4:1x  4
0        .     5:1x          5:1x  5
1        .       6:1x        6:1x  6
4        7:1x                7:1x  7
        3 2 3 3 1 0 1 1
3 min:0 . . . . . 0:1x.     0:1x  0
2 max:3 . . . . 1:1x. .     1:3x  1
3       . . . .     1:2x    2:1x  1
3       . . . .       1:3x  3:3x  1
1       . 2:1x.                   2
0       3:1x. .                   3
1           3:2x                  3
1             3:3x                3

var i, i_end, j, j_end, b_index, pos,
bucket = [[]],
mod = 10,
dev = 1,
value_max = Math.max(...list), // pozn. tuto cast resi pole a rekneme, ze nezatici alg.
i_end = Math.ceil(Math.log10(value_max + 1)); // maxDigitSymbolsOfValue
for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++, dev *= 10, mod *= 10)
	for (j = start; j < end; j++)
		b_index = parseInt((list[j] % mod) / dev); comparesAdd(1);
		if (typeof bucket[b_index]==='undefined')
			bucket[b_index] = [];
		bucket[b_index].push(list[j]); movesAdd(1);
	pos = 0;
	j_end = bucket.length;
	for (j = 0; j < j_end; j++)
		if (typeof bucket[j]!=='undefined')
			i_end = bucket[j].length;
			for (i = 0; i < i_end; i++)
				list[pos++] = bucket[j].shift(); movesAdd(1);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 9
compares    ~ 3.072
cycles      ~ 6.144
moves       ~ 6.144
stability   = stable

Heap Sort (John William Joseph Williams 1964)

Pozn.: Vypada podobny Quick sortu, melo by to byt rychlejsi pro HW.
Pozn.: Udajne je to varianta Tournament sortu.

  create position tree
7 a        a     
2 b       / \    
3 c      /   \   
5 d     b     c  
6 e    / \   / \ 
0 f   d   e f   g
1 g  /            
4 h h             

function heapHeapify_part(list, i, N, cmp, swap)
	{ cyclesAdd();
	var largest = i; // Initialize largest as root
	var left  = 2 * i + 1; // left = 2*i + 1
	var right = 2 * i + 2; // right = 2*i + 2
	if (left < N && cmp(list[left], list[largest]))
		largest = left;
	if (right < N && cmp(list[right], list[largest]))
		largest = right;
	if (largest != i)
		swap(list, i, largest);
		heapHeapify_part(list, largest, N, cmp, swap);
	return list;

function heapSort(list, start, end, size, cmp, swap)
	var N = size;
	for (var i = Math.floor(N / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		heapHeapify_part(list, start+i, start+N, cmp, swap)
	for (var i = N - 1; i > start; i--)
		swap(list, i, start);
		heapHeapify_part(list, start, start+i, cmp, swap);
	return list;

list = heapSort(list, start, end, size, cmp, swap); //
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 13
compares    ~ 17.338
cycles      ~ 10.370
moves       ~ 28.035
stability   = no

Shell Sort

Pozn.: Vypada podobne jako Quick sort, ale je vyhodnejsi integraci do HW, protoze pouziva stejny postup operaci.
Zajimave je, ze cisla compares, cycles, moves klidne kolisaji o +-50% a cas ani ne.

7_______     6 6_________      3 3___________       1 1_____________        0 0
2_____  |   0  0_______  |    0  0_________  |     0  0___________ _|      01 1
3___  | |  1   1_____  | |   1   1_______  |_|    1 3 3_________ _|       22  2
5_  | | | 4    4___  | |_|  3  6 6_____  |_|     2 2  2_______ _|        23   3
6 | | |_|    7 7_  | |_|   5  5  5___  |_|      4 4   4_____ _|         44    4
0 | |_|     2  2 | |_|       2   2_  |_|       2 6    6___ _|          55     5
1 |_|      3   3 |_|        4    4 |_|          5     5_ _|           56      6
4_|       5    5_|         7     7_|           7      7_|             7       7

// pozn. Kod jsem mohl pri prepisovani poskodit.
function shellWithGap(list, start, end, gap, cmp)
	var i, currentvalue, position;
	for (i=start+gap; i<end; i+=gap)
		currentvalue = list[i]; movesAdd(1);
		position = i;
		while (position>=gap && cmp(list[position-gap],currentvalue))
			list[position] = list[position-gap]; movesAdd(1);
			position = position - gap;
		list[position] = currentvalue; movesAdd(1);

function sortShell(list, start, end, cmp)
	var sublistcount, startposition;
	sublistcount = (start + end)>>1;
	while (sublistcount > 0)
		for (startposition=start; startposition<sublistcount; startposition++)
			shellWithGap(list, startposition, end, sublistcount, cmp);
		sublistcount = sublistcount>>1;
	return list;

list = sortShell(list, start, end, cmp);
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of n, array with repeating values)
time        ~ 8
compares    ~ 31.234
cycles      ~ 23.546
moves       ~ 40.957
stability   = no

WebBrowser native sort (Firefox)

test repeat = 10 times (on cpu from 2009)
n           = 1.024
value       = 0 to 511 (n/2, 50% of array with repeating values)
time        ~ 11
compares    ~ 9.244
cycles      ~ ?
moves       ~ ?
stability   = ?

Vysvetleni a informace

Pozor, vsechny merene hodnoty slouzi jen jako orientacni!

Merene hodnoty

Problemy pri mereni


Funkce pouzite v algoritmech

// only for statistic info about moves, cycles, compares
function movesAdd(a) {glob.moves += a;};
function cyclesAdd() {glob.cycles++;};
function comparesAdd() {glob.cmps++;};

// others
function swap(list, a, b)
	if (a!=b) {var tmp = list[a]; list[a] = list[b]; list[b] = tmp; movesAdd(3); return true;}
	return false;
function cmp(a, b) {comparesAdd(); return a>b;}
function cmp2(a, b) {comparesAdd(); return a - b;} // when you need get state ==, >, <
function move(a, b) {app2.s.glob.moves++; a = b;}

// reverse array - unstable sort
function sortOrderDesc(list, lo, hi)
	var tmp;
	hi--; cyclesAdd(hi - lo); movesAdd(3*(hi - lo));
	while (lo < hi)
		tmp = list[lo];
		list[lo++] = list[hi];
		list[hi--] = tmp;
	return list;

// reverse array - stable sort
function sortOrderDescStable(list, start, end, cmp)
	var a, b, c, lo, hi;
	lo = start;
	hi = end - 1;
	// find equal values and swap it
	while (lo < hi)
		a = lo;
		b = lo;
		c = lo;
		while (b<hi && cmp(list[b++], list[b])==0)
		lo = c+1;
		cyclesAdd((c - a)>>1); movesAdd(3*(c - a)>>1);
		while (c>a)
			tmp = list[a];
			list[a++] = list[c];
			list[c--] = tmp;
	list = sortOrderDesc(list, start, end);
	return list;

// move last (b) on top (a), alternation: splice or copyWithin
// ...L...H => ...HL... // move Hi from end to position Lo
function arrayShift(list, lo, hi)
	if (hi<=lo || lo<0 || hi<0) {return;}
	var tmp = list[hi]; cyclesAdd(hi - lo); movesAdd(hi - lo);
	while (lo<hi)
        	list[hi--] = list[hi];
	list[lo] = tmp;
	return list;

// copy x values from src to dest array
function arrayCopy(src, i, i_end, dest, j, cmp)
	while (i<i_end)
		{dest[j++] = src[i++]; cyclesAdd(1); movesAdd(1);}
	return dest;

// merge list1(a,b) with list1(c,d) to list2(e,f)
function arrayMerge(src, s1_start, s1_end, s2_start, s2_end, dest, d_start, cmp)
	var i,j,k;
	i = s1_start;
	j = s2_start;
	k = d_start;
	while (i<s1_end && j<s2_end)
		if (cmp(src[i], src[j]))
			{dest[k++] = src[j++];}
		else	{dest[k++] = src[i++];}
		cyclesAdd(1); movesAdd(1);
	while (i<s1_end)
		{dest[k++] = src[i++]; cyclesAdd(1); movesAdd(1);}
	while (j<s2_end)
		{dest[k++] = src[j++]; cyclesAdd(1); movesAdd(1);}
	return dest;

Shuffle-sort (Nahodne zamichani pomoci sortu)

list.sort( function(a,b) { return 0.66 - Math.random(); } );

Multi-column-array-sort (serazovani pomoci vice sloupcu)

function isArray(item) {return typeof(item)=='object' && item!=null;}

function MultiSortClass(opt)
var root  = this;
this.opt  = {};
this.func = {};
this.func.cmpDate = function (a,b)
	return (a[3]>b[3] ? 1 : (a[3]<b[3] ? -1 : 0));
this.func.cmpStrAsc = function (a,b)
	return a.length>b.length && a>b ? 1 : (a==b ? 0 : -1);
this.func.cmpStrDesc = function (b,a)
	return a.length>b.length && a>b ? 1 : (a==b ? 0 : -1);
this.func.cmpNumAsc = function (a,b)
	return a>b ? 1 : (a==b ? 0 : -1);
this.func.cmpNumDesc = function (b,a)
	return a>b ? 1 : (a==b ? 0 : -1);
this.cmp = function (a,b)
	var out, i;
	out = 0;
	for (i in root.opt)
		out = root.opt[i](a[i],b[i]);
		if (out!=0)
			return out;
	return out;
this.func.cbUpper = function(match,content0,content1)
	return content0.toUpperCase() + content1.toLowerCase();
this.setOpt = function (opt)
	var row, i, i_end, func;
	root.opt = {};
	if (!(isExist(opt) && isArray(opt)))
	i_end = opt.length;
	for (i=0;i<i_end;i++)	// convert {col:2,cmp:'num',order:'asc'} => root.func.cmpNumAsc
		row = opt[i];
		row.cmp   = row.cmp.replace(/^([a-z])([a-z]+)$/i,root.func.cbUpper);
		row.order = row.order.replace(/^([a-z])([a-z]+)$/i,root.func.cbUpper);
		func      = 'cmp'+row.cmp+row.order;
		if (isFunction(root.func[func]))
			root.opt[row.col] = root.func[func];
var arr = [
['a', 1, 11],
['a', 0, 10],
['a', 1, 9],
['a', 0, 8],
var x;
x = new MultiSortClass([
str = '';
for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
	str += arr[i].join(', ') + ' \n '